Radiographer Salary

Radiographers working in the United States typically earn salaries in the range from $33,029 to $63,968 a year including bonuses, which can amount to up to $622 annually based on the salary information reported by Payscale.

Radiographers with a certification from the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) generally earn an annual pay in the range from $34,286 to $72,414 according to Payscale’s salary data.

Professionals with an associate’s degree typically earn a yearly income in the range from $34,059 to $75,760 and those with an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Radiography are generally paid between $42,907 and $70,000 a year.

Professionals specializing in radiology earn an annual salary in the range from $34,059 to $69,043 based on Payscale’s salary figures. The most popular areas of specialty among radiographers are radiology, computed tomography (CT), and phlebotomy.

Average salary

The average salary for radiographers employed in the United States is $44,038 a year according to Payscale and $35,000 a year based on the salary data provided by Indeed.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports a mean annual salary of $56,450 and a median wage of $54,620 a year for radiologic technologists. 10% of the best paid radiographers earn $77,160 a year or more and the 10% of the lower end of the pay scale make $37,060 a year or less. The middle 50% of radiographers earn an annual income in the range from $44,490 to $66,550 a year.

radiography salary,radiographer average salary

Image: U.S. Navy

The top paying industries for radiographers, as reported by the BLS, are universities, colleges, and professional schools, where these professionals earn $66,810 a year on average.

These industries are followed by scientific research and development services, where they are paid around $61,570 annually, and specialty hospitals (not including psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals), where the median annual salary for this occupation is $61,410. Other industries with a high average yearly income for radiographers are insurance carriers ($61,130) and employment services ($61,090).

Radiographers employed at general medical and surgical hospitals make $56,590 a year on average, those working at offices of physicians are paid $55,070 a year on average, and professionals employed at medical and diagnostic laboratories earn an average annual salary of $56,740. Radiographers employed at outpatient care centers make $57,210 a year on average and those employed by the federal executive branch are paid around $58,800 annually based on the salary figures reported by the BLS.

Salary by state

Radiographers’ annual pay depends on geographical location and can vary significantly from state to state. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reveals that the top paying states for radiographers are Massachusetts, where these professionals earn an average annual pay of $82,080, followed by California, where they make $70,590 a year on average, Alaska, where the median salary for this occupation is $67,980 a year, District of Columbia ($67,500), and Hawaii ($66,610).

Radiographers working in New York earn $64,290 a year on average, those based in Texas are paid around $52,660 a year, and professionals employed in Florida earn an average annual salary of $51,380.

Radiographers working in Pennsylvania earn around $52,970 annually, those employed in Rhode Island are paid $65,750 a year on average, and professionals based in West Virginia earn a median yearly salary of $44,210. Radiographers in South Dakota earn around $46,130 a year, those employed in Kentucky make $48,430 annually, and professionals employed in Tennessee earn an average yearly salary of $48,150 based on the BLS salary data.

Salary by city

Radiographers’ yearly income can also vary from city to city. Professionals based in New York generally make around $45,000 a year, those employed in Los Angeles are paid around $36,000 annually, and radiographers working in Boston and Washinton earn $42,000 a year on average according to the salary figures provided by Indeed.

Radiographers employed in Phoenix earn a median annual wage of $28,000, those based in Chicago are paid around $39,000 a year, and professionals working in Houston earn an average yearly pay of $37,000.

Radiographers in Dallas make $34,000 a year on average, those based in Philadelphia earn around $35,000 a year, and professionals employed in Atlanta are paid around $42,000 a year. Radiographers based in Miami make $32,000 a year on average, those working in Detroit are paid $35,000 annually on average, and professionals working in San Francisco earn an average annual pay of $45,000.

Radiographers based in San Diego earn $34,000 a year on average, those employed in Austin make about $31,000 annually, and professionals working in Santa Fe earn around $36,000 a year. Radiographers in Indianapolis are paid around $29,000 a year, those working in Denver make $32,000 a year on average, and professionals based in Nashville earn an average annual salary of $31,000 according to Indeed’s salary data.

Starting salary

The average starting salary for radiographers in their first year on the job is typically in the range from $37,000 to $45,000 a year. The American Society of Radiologic Technologists reports a median wage of $44,439 a year for radiographers with less than two years of professional experience.

Based on Payscale’s salary figures, radiographers with less than a year of experience generally earn an annual income in the range from $27,500 to $47,500. These professionals are typically offered an hourly rate in the range from $10.21 to $23.49.

Salary range

Radiographers’ annual pay depends on a variety of factors, including work experience. Professionals with 1 to 4 years of experience generally make between $34,963 and $73,405 a year, those with 5 to 9 years of work experience under their belt are usually paid between $36,241 and $99,329 annually, and radiographers with 10 to 19 years of professional experience typically earn a yearly income in the range from $34,286 to $60,185 based on Payscale’s salary statistics.

Radiographers working in the health care industry generally make between $34,521 and $73,405 a year and those working at hospitals are paid between $36,174 and $50,868. Professionals employed at general hospitals typically earn salaries in the range from $35,142 to $72,885 a year.

Men typically earn between $35,101 and $73,974 annually and women typically make between $45,950 and $69,496 a year according to Payscale.

Hourly wage

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports a mean hourly salary of $27.14 and a median hourly wage of $26.26 for radiologic technologists. 10% of these professionals make $17.82 per hour or less and the 10% on the higher end of the pay scale are offered an hourly rate of $37.10 or more. The middle 50% of radiographers earn an hourly pay in the range from $21.39 to $31.99 according to the BLS salary data.

The hourly pay can vary considerably from industry to industry. Radiographers working at medical and surgical hospitals typically make about $27.21 per hour, those working at offices of physicians are paid $26.48 per hour on average, and professionals employed at medical and diagnostic laboratories earn a median hourly wage of $27.28. Radiographers working at outpatient care centers earn around $27.51 per hour, those employed by the federal executive branch are paid $28.27 per hour on average, and professionals working at specialty hospitals (not including psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals) make $29.52 per hour on average according to the BLS.

Radiographers employed by universities, colleges, and professional schools earn $32.12 per hour on average and those working in scientific research and development services are paid around $29.60 per hour. Professionals employed by insurance carriers make $29.39 per hour on average and those working in employment services earn an average hourly salary of $29.37 based on the salary information provided by the BLS.

Hourly salaries also depend on location. The BLS reports that radiographers employed in California earn $33.94 per hour on average, those working in Texas are paid around $25.32 per hour, and professionals based in New York make $30.91 per hour on average. Radiographers based in Florida earn an average hourly pay of $24.70, those working in Pennsylvania are paid around $25.47 per hour, and professionals employed in Rhode Island earn a median hourly salary of $31.61.

Radiographers in West Virginia make $21.26 per hour on average, those working in South Dakota are paid $22.18 per hour on average, and professionals employed in Kentucky make about $23.29 per hour. Radiographers working Tennessee are paid around $23.15 per hour, those based in Massachusetts make 39.46 per hour on average, and professionals employed in Alaska earn an average hourly wage of $32.68. Radiographers based in Hawaii are typically paid around $32.02 per hour and those employed in the District of Columbia earn a median hourly pay of $32.45 according to the BLS.

Payscale reports that radiographers employed in the U.S. generally earn between $14.92 and $28.05 per hour, with overtime rates ranging from $19.67 to $45.15 per hour.

The hourly wage for radiographers depends on a number of factors, including years of experience in the field. Professionals with 1 to 4 years of experience typically make between $13.91 and $25.14 per hour and those with 5 to 9 years of experience are generally paid between $17.02 and $27.70 per hour. Radiographers with 10 to 19 years of experience earn an hourly salary in the range from $17.50 to $35.28 and those with 20 or more years of experience generally make between $15.95 and $32.55 per hour based on the data reported by Payscale.

The hourly pay also varies from state to state. Radiographers based in Florida typically earn an hourly wage in the range from $15.49 to $27.38 and those working in Texas are generally paid between $14.48 and $25.50 per hour. Professionals employed in Michigan earn between $13.40 and $24.42 per hour, those working in Ohio are paid between $13.91 and $24.75 per hour, and radiographers based in Illinois earn an hourly salary in the range from $25.49 to $31.43 according to Payscale.

Radiographers employed in North Carolina typically report being offered an hourly rate in the range from $17.11 to $23.84 and those working in Georgia generally make between $13.19 and $21.53 per hour.

The hourly wage also varies from city to city. Radiographers working in Houston are generally paid between $17.52 and $20.97 per hour, those working in Dallas earn an hourly pay in the range from $22.20 to $25.49 and professionals based in Cleveland typically make between $16.50 and $22.56 per hour based on the salary figures reported by Payscale.

Radiographers with a certification from the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) generally earn an hourly wage in the range from $16.65 to $27.97, those with a certification from the American Society of Registered Technologists (ASRT) are paid between $14.94 and $24.08 per hour, and professionals with the qualification of Registered Technologist in Mammography typically make between $17.25 and $33.39 per hour based on Payscale’s salary data.

In terms of hospital setting, radiologists working at general hospitals generally earn an hourly pay in the range from $15.55 to $30.56, those working in ambulatory care and surgery centers are paid between $20.08 and $25.91 per hour, and professionals employed at physicians’ offices and private practices are typically offered an hourly rate in the range from $16.86 to $24.57 according to Payscale.

Radiographers’ hourly wage can also vary depending on area of specialty. Professionals specializing in radiology typically earn between $15.55 and $27.95 per hour, those who specialize in computed tomography (CT) make between $19 and $23.58 per hour, and radiographers specializing in phlebotomy generally earn an hourly pay in the range from $13.75 to $18.50.

The hourly rate also varies from industry to industry. Radiographers working in the health care sector are usually paid between $15.42 and $28.58 per hour, those employed at hospitals typically make between $17.19 and $30.06 per hour, and professionals employed at orthopedists’ offices earn an hourly salary in the range from $14.40 to $25.79 according to Payscale.

Radiographers working in the radiology sector are paid between $14.29 and $31.36 per hour and those employed at health clinics earn an hourly pay in the range from $16.69 to $20.90. Professionals working at medical offices make between $16.91 and $20.84 per hour and those employed at acute care hospitals are generally offered an hourly rate in the range from $20.58 to $25.03 based on Payscale’s salary data.

Men typically earn between $16.28 and $28.28 per hour and women generally earn an hourly salary in the range from $14.94 to $29.22.

The hourly wage for these professionals also varies depending on academic degree. Radiographers with an associate’s degree typically earn between $15.87 and $25.96 per hour, those with an associate’s degree in Radiography make between $18.04 and $22.49 per hour, and professionals with an Associate of Science (AS) in Radiography are generally paid between $18.08 and $26,24 per hour.

Radiographers with an Associate of Science in Radiologic Technology make typically make between $15.53 and $24.50 per hour, those with an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Radiologic Technology are generally paid between $16.21 and $25.22 per hour, and professionals with an AAS in Radiography are usually offered an hourly rate in the range from $17.02 to $25 according to Payscale.

Radiographers with a bachelor’s degree are generally paid between $15.81 and $32.11 per hour and professionals with a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Radiography earn an hourly salary in the range from $21.30 to $31.37 based on the data reported by Payscale.

The hourly salary for radiographers also depends on the type of employer. Professionals working at hospitals typically make between $16.87 and $28.70 per hour, those employed by private practices and firms are generally paid between $15.39 and $24.84 per hour, and radiographers employed by non-profit organizations earn an hourly wage in the range from $18.51 to $27.20. Professionals employed by companies make between $13.14 and $27 per hour and those working for other organizations generally earn an hourly pay in the range from $16.70 to $24 according to Payscale.


Along with their base salary and yearly bonus earnings, radiographers usually get a wide range of benefits and perks and these can sometimes reflect their annual income.

Radiographers who have 401(k) plans included in their benefits package typically earn an annual wage in the range from $34,458 to $71,016, those who have paid vacation are generally paid between $35,235 and $74,497 annually, and professionals who have paid sick leave earn salaries in the range from $41,271 to $71,216 a year.

Radiographers who have life and disability insurance as part of their benefits package generally make between $35,479 and $73,974 a year and those who get reimbursement for professional education, training, tuition, or certification typically report earning an annual pay in the range from $35,294 to $48,834 according to Payscale.

The most popular benefits among radiographers are 401(k), paid vacations and holidays, life and disability insurance, paid sick leave, 403(b) plans, reimbursement for education, training, and certification, and company pension plans.