Rehabilitation Counselor Salary

Rehabilitation counselors working in the United States typically earn salaries in the range from $24,318 to $67,871 a year including bonuses based on the salary information reported by Payscale.

The basic annual salary for rehabilitation counselors is generally in the range between $31,946 and $87,616 a year and the yearly bonus earnings can amount to up to $15,750 based on Payscale’s salary data.

Rehabilitation counselors with the qualification of Certified Rehabilitation Counselor typically earn an annual pay in the range from $33,772 to $70,469.

Professionals specializing in counseling generally report earning an income in the range between $35,000 and $65,000 a year.

The most popular skills among rehabilitation counselors are case management, counseling, and rehabilitation.

Salary range

Rehabilitation counselors typically earn an annual pay in the range from $24,000 to $36,000 according to the salary figures reported by

Rehabilitation counselors’ salaries can vary depending on a wide range of factors, including work experience. Counselors with 1 to 4 years of experience generally earn an annual pay in the range from $31,484 to $58,723, those with 10 to 19 years of work experience under their belt are paid between $32,115 and $53,449 annually, and professionals with 20 or more years of experience in the field typically earn an income in the range from $54,021 to $91,165 a year according to the salary figures reported by Payscale.

Rehabilitation counselors’ yearly income can also vary from industry to industry. For example, counselors working in the rehabilitation sector generally earn salaries in the range from $38,884 to $60,025 a year and professionals working in vocational rehabilitation services and job training typically report earning an annual wage in the range from $37,525 to $55,463 based on Payscale’s data.

Salaries can also vary depending on the type of employer. Rehabilitation counselors employed by the state or local government generally make between $31,893 and $67,871 a year and those working for non-profit organizations typically earn an income in the range from $31,476 to $38,787 a year.

Women generally earn an annual pay in the range from $31,437 to $71,490 and men are paid between $41,000 and $75,400 annually.

Average salary

The average salary for rehabilitation counselors working in the United States is $46,000 a year according to Indeed’s salary data, $38,708 a year according to Payscale, and $33,200 a year based on the data reported by

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports a mean annual salary of $37,330 and a median annual wage of $33,880 for this occupation. 10% of the best paid rehabilitation counselors working in the U.S. earn $59,330 a year or more and the 10% on the lower end of the pay scale make $20,990 a year or less. The middle 50% of rehabilitation counselors earn an annual pay in the range from $26,060 to $45,270.

The average annual salary for rehabilitation counselors can vary considerably from industry to industry.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that the top paying industries for this occupation are insurance carriers, where counselors earn $56,970 a year on average, followed by educational support services, where the median annual pay for this profession is $54,680, and general medical and surgical hospitals, where rehabilitation counselors earn an average annual salary of $52,060.

Other industries with a high average annual income for this occupation are nursing care facilities (skilled nursing facilities), where counselors make $47,390 a year on average, and psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals, where they are paid $46,930 a year on average based on the BLS salary data.

Rehabilitation counselors working in vocational rehabilitation services make $33,530 a year on average and those employed in residential intellectual and developmental disability, mental health, and substance abuse facilities are paid $31,620 a year on average. Counselors working in other residential care facilities earn around $30,460 a year, those employed in individual and family services are paid $34,440 annually on average, and professionals working in community food and housing, and emergency and other relief services earn a median annual salary of $36,360.

Rehabilitation counselors employed by the state government are paid $45,700 a year on average and those working for the local government earn an average annual pay of $43,410 according to the BLS.

Salary by state

Rehabilitation counselors’ annual pay depends on geographical location among other factors and can vary considerably from state to state. The salary data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reveals that the states with the highest average annual wage for this occupation are New Jersey, where rehabilitation counselors make $55,840 a year on average, followed by Alaska, where they are paid about $52,680 a year, and Rhode Island, where the median annual salary for this profession is $51,590. Other states with a high average annual income for rehabilitation counselors are Utah ($46,170) and Vermont ($44,910).

Rehabilitation counselors working in Ohio make $39,380 a year on average, those based in Washington are paid $40,570 a year on average, and professionals employed in Pennsylvania earn an average yearly pay of $37,590. Counselors based in New York earn around $36,510 a year, those employed in California are paid $35,780 a year on average, and professionals working in Idaho make $38,840 a year on average.

Rehabilitation counselors employed in Connecticut are paid around $40,480 a year and those based in Iowa earn an average annual salary of $34,660 based on the salary information provided by the BLS.

The top paying states for rehabilitation counselors, as reported by, are Michigan ($48,350), Rhode Island ($46,250), Alaska ($44,700), Nevada ($44,640), Minnesota ($43,050), Utah ($42,730), and Ohio ($41,000).

The states with the lowest average annual income for this profession are Tennessee ($23,870), Kansas ($26,000), Oklahoma ($27,210), Indiana ($27,320), Maryland ($28,720), and West Virginia ($29,230).

Hourly wage

Rehabilitation counselors with 1 to 4 years of experience typically earn between $7.40 and $29.36 per hour based on the salary data provided by Payscale. Women generally earn an hourly pay in the range from $7.32 to $16.89 and men are usually paid between $11.34 and $22.70 per hour.

Rehabilitation counselors with a bachelor’s degree typically earn an hourly wage in the range from $10.31 to $12.27. Counselors employed by non-profit organizations generally make between $7.40 and $15.68 per hour and professionals working for the state or local government are typically offered an hourly rate in the range from $18.28 to $29.30.

The hourly wage for rehabilitation counselors can also vary depending on their benefits packages. For example, professionals who have paid vacations and holidays generally make between $11.54 and $14.74 per hour, those who have paid sick leave are usually paid between $11.84 and $15 per hour, and counselors who have 401(k) plans typically earn an hourly salary in the range from $11.70 to $15.26 based on the salary data provided by Payscale.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports a mean hourly salary of $17.95 and a median hourly wage of $16.29 for this profession. 10% of rehabilitation counselors earn $10.09 per hour or less and the 10% on the higher end of the scale earn an hourly wage of $28.52 or more. The middle 50% of rehabilitation counselors employed in the U.S. are offered an hourly rate in the range from $12.53 to $21.76.

The hourly wage for rehabilitation counselors also varies from industry to industry. Counselors working in vocational rehabilitation services earn $16.12 per hour on average, those employed in individual and family services earn around $16.56 per hour, and professionals employed by the state government are paid $21.97 per hour on average.

Rehabilitation counselors working in residential intellectual and developmental disability, mental health, and substance abuse facilities are paid around $15.20 per hour and those employed by the local government earn an average hourly pay of $20.87 according to the BLS salary data.

Counselors working in other residential care facilities make $14.64 per hour on average and those working in community food and housing, and emergency and other relief services are paid $17.48 per hour on average. Professionals employed by insurance carriers earn an average hourly salary of $27.39 and those working in psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals are paid around $22.56 per hour.

Rehabilitation counselors working in educational support services earn a median hourly pay of $26.29, those employed at general medical and surgical hospitals make $25.03 per hour on average, and professionals working in nursing care facilities earn an average hourly wage of $22.78 based on the data reported by the BLS.

Rehabilitation counselors’ hourly rate also varies from state to state. Counselors based in New York are paid $17.55 per hour on average, those employed in California earn around $17.20 per hour, and professionals working in Washington earn an average hourly wage of $19.51. Rehabilitation counselors employed in Ohio are paid around $18.93 per hour, those working in Pennsylvania make $18.07 per hour on average, and professionals based in Idaho earn around $18.67 per hour.

Counselors based in Vermont make $21.59 per hour on average, those working in Connecticut are paid $19.46 per hour on average, and professionals employed in Iowa earn an average hourly pay of $16.66. Rehabilitation counselors working in New Jersey earn around $26.85 per hour and those based in Alaska are paid about $25.33 per hour. Counselors employed in Utah earn about $22.20 per hour and professionals working in Rhode Island make $24.80 per hour on average based on the data provided by the BLS.


Rehabilitation counselors typically get a variety of benefits and perks along with their basic annual income and bonuses, and their benefits packages can sometimes reflect their yearly salary.

Rehabilitation counselors who have 401(k) plans generally earn salaries in the range from $31,676 to $142,031 a year, those who have paid vacation make between $31,375 and $139,620 annually, and professionals who have paid sick leave typically report earning a yearly income in the range from $32,215 to $90,191 according to Payscale.

Rehabilitation counselors who have life and disability insurance included in their benefits package generally make between $31,208 and $143,034 a year and those who have a defined contribution (DC) retirement plans are paid between $36,504 and $56,389 annually. Counselors who get reimbursement for professional training, education, tuition, or certification report earning a yearly income in the range from $35,000 to $49,000 and those who get cell phones are typically paid between $45,055 and $102,000 a year based on Payscale’s salary data.

The most popular perks and benefits among rehabilitation counselors, as reported by Payscale, are paid vacation, paid sick leave, 401(k) plans, life and disability insurance, casual dress and atmosphere at work, reimbursement for education, training, and certification, and defined contribution retirement plans.